You want a pet, but you don’t know what kind of pet you should get. A dog is out of the question since your apartment is too small, and besides it would just be closed-in up in there the whole day long while you went to work. A cat might be a good pet. It’s independent, it can take care of itself, and you can still come home to a warm body that will curl up to you. But what about pet birds? Did you ever think of getting a bird for a pet?
You didn’t, but the idea intrigues you. It’s not something that had ever crossed your mind, but it had unlimited possibilities. On second thoughts, though, you feel that you might go for a pet cat instead. Less hassle all around.
So you wander on down to your pet store one day with the objective of getting yourself a pet cat, or kitten. You walk in and are greeted by the sight of bird cages, bird houses, bird baths, and even a birdfeeder. You stop in amazement and look around just to make sure that you’ve come to the pet store and not a bird store. You’re in the pet store alright; there are the dogs in one corner, the cats, hamsters, and bunnies in other corners and all in their respective cages.
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What’s all-encompassing you though is the noise of the birds. They’re all going at it full-voiced, and you can barely hear yourself think let alone hear the owner apologize for the noise. He was rearranging some of the products, and the birds got excited. You are now glad that you didn’t decide on pet birds as your choice of pet.
You notice that you’re the only customer around and with good reason. You might also be tempted to leave and come again on a quieter day, but you came down here for a purpose. If you put off getting a pet any longer, you might not get one. So you square your shoulders, block out the noise and tell the kind little man on your side that you were looking to adopt a cat.
You’re taken down a long aisle of many-colored fish tanks and straight on past an array of screaming birds. As you pass the last one, however, your attention is caught. This one bird isn’t making any noise but is instead regarding you with a steady eye. You move forward, and it moves its head along with you. You move sideways, the same thing happens. Intrigued you move this way and that you are entranced in delight as this little beauty follows your every move.
That’s when you find yourself leaving the store with the very thing that you told yourself you didn’t want a pet bird. At least you can tell yourself that it wasn’t petting birds.