We Discuss General Pet Health Questions
Komondor The Shaggy Dog And Fierce Protector
Why Shouldn’t I Punish My Dog for Accidents in the House?
Komondor The Shaggy Dog And Fierce Protector
Various Types of Mastiffs
An ancient breed type, the Mastiff is a natural guard dog breed that is affectionate and devoted to family. They come in various types, we discuss 3 of these below: Neapolitan Mastiff: This breed of dog is one of the oldest dogs in the world. Generally this breed did not get popularity because of other available breeds and it is an underrated...
How To Prevent My Puppy From Biting
Dog-bite basics Dog bites are commonplace for pet-owners. However, getting hurt by a puppy is not usually an issue, where if your dog has grown up and frequently bites, it is time to sit up and worry. All dogs have a basic instinct to bite, but the level of aggression often varies with the breed. Dog bites can be dangerous...
Dealing With Cat’s Bad Breath
Unlike Humans, Cat’s bad breath issue is also an alarming and stinky one: it tends to be caused by the activities of bacteria in the mouth that break down proteins and release sulphur compounds into the air. Sulphur smells bad, so breath that contains sulphur compounds smells bad also. In cats, the bacteria that cause the problem tend to...
8 Reasons Why You Should Have Health Insurance For Your Pets !
While it’s respectable to want to give a pet a home during the holidays, the unfortunate fact remains that many pets are returned to animal shelters and humane societies after the novelty of a new pet wears off. Top pet health insurance companies, has released a list of tips to help new pet owners keep their pets. 1. Expect a Transition...