The origin of aquarium keeping can be traced back to thousands of years before. Ancient Sumerians kept fish in artificial ponds almost 4500 years ago; even the ancient Romans and Chinese people had the same hobby meant for entertainment. In numerous ancient cultures, fish was considered to be sacred for their beauty and agility. Even today, we love keeping aquariums, wondering regarding the source from where an amazing aquarium can be purchased.
I have noticed that when some people start out with a new aquarium they really don’t take into mind that a little research is necessary to maintain a clean tank and keep healthy fish. I was one of those people who thought it just involved setting up the tank and throwing the fish in and that was it. However, you will find from experience that keeping fish shouldn’t be taken lightly and I believe it is important to have some good fish advice before starting out or even while maintaining your fish aquariums.
I’d have to say the thing that disgusts me the most is some people really don’t look at keeping fish seriously. If you screw up, they can be replaced. If they suffer, they are just fish. But in my opinion, it is important to know how to maintain a healthy tank and how to care for the fish. They are a pet and shouldn’t be mistreated as with any type of animal.
This is why I thought it might be nice to offer some of my own tips that I have gained through knowledge and experience with keeping tropical fish.
5 Tips For Setting Up Your First Aquarium:
1. Perform regular maintenance on your filter to keep it clean
2. Properly treat all tap water before adding it to your aquarium
3. Rapid pH changes stress fish. Keep the pH of your aquarium’s water stable
4. Select fish that are native to waters having similar chemical properties (pH and GH) to your local tap water
5. Choose the fish to fit your aquarium: A fish needs enough space to swim freely, but the size of the aquarium and the temperature of the water also affect oxygen content and will determine the number of fish that you can held. lower oxygen levels mean fewer fish.
The depth of the aquarium is not relevant to the oxygen content calculations; it is the surface area of the water that is important. Coldwater and all marine fishes consume proportionally more oxygen than their fellows freshwater fishes