Home Dog Training Why Is My Dog Suddenly Having Accidents in the House?

Why Is My Dog Suddenly Having Accidents in the House?


pettrainersnow.com - Why Is My Dog Suddenly Having Accidents in the House?If your dog has already been house trained, it can be very frustrating if he starts to have accidents in the house. When this happens, it is important not to become angry with your dog or to punish him for the behaviour. Rather, try to determine the cause of the behaviour, and deal with it accordingly.

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dog having accidents in house

The Details

  • He may be getting old. Aging is a fact of life, and as your dog gets older, he may not be able to control his bladder as well.
  • He could have a medical condition. Incontinence could by a symptom of a medical problem. If you suspect that your dog may be sick, take him to the vet for a checkup just to be sure.
  • He could be marking his territory. Male dogs are especially prone to this type of behavior ¾ it is called urine marking. It is a behavior meant to deter rival males from entering the property.
  • He is feeling uncertain or stressed. Sudden changes in routine or in the structure of a family can be very stressful for a dog, and it could result in a regression in his housetraining.
pettrainersnow.com - Why Is My Dog Suddenly Having Accidents in the House?
  • He could be overly excited. Sometimes when dogs get overly excited, they may excrete a small amount of urine. This could happen in cases where your dog is very happy or when he is stressed or scared.
  • You may not be letting him out often enough. If your dog starts having accidents in the house, it may not be his fault at all. If you do not give him plenty of opportunities to go outside, particularly after meals, you cannot blame him for having an accident.
  • It could be a side effect of medication. Incontinence is a possible side effect of many medications. If your dog is on medications, check with your vet to see if that could be the cause of the problem.
  • He may not have been properly trained. If your dog wasn’t properly housetrained the first time, he may, at some point, revert back to his previous untrained state and begin soiling the house again.
  • Keep calm; don’t get frustrated. Dogs do not like feeling out-of-control any more than humans do. If your dog suddenly starts having accidents in the house, it may be outside his control, and getting frustrated at him will not solve the issue.
  • Restart the housetraining process. If you are able to determine that your dog’s behavior is not the result of a medical problem or the side effect of medication, you may simply need to retrain him.


The Bottom Line

If your dog starts having accidents in the house, it is important that you take the time to determine the cause of the behavior before you react. If you react by punishing your dog, it could result in making the problem worse. Take the time to figure out what is going on, and then determine the proper solution.